The next few months are going to be quite busy!
I have 1 live appearance each month for September, October and November. All around the Midlands. Can you make them all?

On September the 19th (just 10 days after my birthday….) I, as well as Ted, Foxx and hopefully Tony from the eModels builders will be descending on eModels for the afternoon. I’ll be picking up my secret new build as well as dropping off the Zaku and the MiGs I’ve built for them. Ted is also picking up his next build, the big Digger thing. And of course he is delivering his HUGE submarine. I hope they have room for it. Foxx already has his next build: The perfect grade Falcon, I think he’s just coming for the donuts.

October 22nd is my first trip to Warhammer World. A few people hope to make it the same day, I’ll update when we know who’s able to make it!

My final outing for the year is the big one. Scale Model World in Telford. This is “The greatest model show in the world” and takes a whole weekend. I’ll just be there on Sunday 10th November.
Hopefully some of you will be able to make at least one of these, come and say hello! I’ll make sure I have some stickers on me- find me and ask for one!