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4k subscriber comp *ENTRIES CLOSED*

Not loads of entries to this competition, But someone has to win!

I’ve put them all in order, so we can keep track of things while we get closer……

Chefhawk 17:45 31/11/20
Modelmaking Mayhem: 15/12/20
David Foxx: 20:00 17/12/20
James T : 25/12/20
Ian M. G. Thompson: 20:10 31/12/20
Shane Youngs: 15:08 14/1/21
Phil Lewis: 13:00 21/1/21
Redlen08: 28/1/21
Pascal Lieverse: 6:00 1/2/21
Candygramformongo: 12:34 7/2/21

Good luck!

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Still here!

Ok may not post often, but I’d rather not just put up stuff that nobody would read…..

But, I thought it was worth mentioning I have finally got a video done that isn’t a livestream or a partwork!

Part 7 of the Baneblade build is now up for public consumption. In it I finish the basic painting of the tank, and leave it ready for weathering.

It’s available here: and the rest of the series is in the playlist.

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Trying to find the mojo…..

I haven’t actually built a “proper” model for ages.

I’ve been doing the midweek makings, sort of modelmaking lite, for a while now but I haven’t felt the desire to actually do a real kit.

So, with a new Hero figure being released last weekend I thought I’d have a go.

I decided not to film the build, because filming minis is tough, and I still wasn’t sure I was in the mood. But I have documented the build in pictures.

I present : “Ripper”

I will make another post when I get around to doing the painting, hopefully in a week or 2.

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3rd YouTubeAversary!

Today marks 3 years since I uploaded the first video to the Gross Models YouTube channel.

I like to think that I have grown and improved over those years, with the quality of my video and production hopefully getting better and making watching easier and more fun!

My first video titles.
My first video
The first livestream. Spicy noodles!
My first diorama, and my most viewed video to date.
Secret Patreon only videos!

I hope you’ve enjoyed at least some of my videos over the last 3 years.

Here’s to many more!

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Weekly build!

As lockdown has eased a bit and we start to return to work, I have eased up on the live-streams.

My new regular pattern is eModels on Monday, “Building stuff” on Wednesday, An Evening with on Thursday, and Warhamster every 2 weeks on Sunday (alternating with Ted)

On the Wednesday stream I will be continuing the Wooden Wednesday theme, but also doing Lego and Nano block kits. This week is the turn of Lego, and I have a little 3 in 1 dinosaur kit kindly donated by QuanoMan.

Next week is back to wood, then some more of the Nano dog the week after.

As ever, you can find my upcoming streams on the YouTube page, , but tonight’s direct link is: Here

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I’ve been spending a lot of time playing around with setting and things for the many, many live-streams I’ve been doing recently, and now it’s almost time for me to go back to work I think I have things setup just about right!

As you may know I use a Streamdeck to Control most of my streams. I can switch inputs, scenes, play files, start and stop streaming, almost everything. But it all takes setting up and pressing buttons to make it happen.

Except now it doesn’t.
I have been able to work several of the buttons into “multi use” buttons, so one press starts a sequence of events in action.
Before I had one to start the stream, one to change to a start video, several to send messages to the chat, more to switch to a stream view, etc.
now I have a single button that should, hopefully do it all.
One press to go from being off air all the way to starting the “proper” stream with me on screen starting the show.

23 separate actions from one press. Should make the pre-show a little less stressful.
I’ll find out on Wednesday when I try it all out! Wish me luck!

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Lockdown continues.

After yesterday’s announcement it seems I will he remaining in lockdown for around another 3 weeks, so that means my lockdown live-streams will continue for a little longer!

Join me on Tuesdays for building my Nanobrick London skyline, Wednesdays for Wooden Wednesday and building the Model Aviator, and Friday for more Lego kits.

Obviously things can change as we go through this pandemic together, so I will be posting the video links for the week ahead on Mondays, and let you know when anything changes.

Thank you for your continued support, stay safe, wash your hands, and above all try to enjoy yourselves.

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More upgrades

I have spent a couple of days trying to bring a little bit of professionalism to my channel/ streams. (I know, I know…)

I have created some new intro rolls for my streams, so I can have a 5 minute ‘break’ before i go live. I have made them for the Lockdown, Wooden Wednesday and the Warhamster livestreams. Hopefully they work as intended and give me a chance to get things prepared and ready just before going on camera, while getting the stream started and giving people a chance to get into the chat.

I shall be using one on Friday for the Lego Lockdown. Let me know what you think. (They aren’t really very different to what I have been using for the last week or 2, but behind the scenes they are. It should make things easier for me going forwards, and that’s got to be a good thing, right?)

I have also tidied the end videos, if anyone waits around that long. 🙂

Hopefully you are all surviving the various lockdowns we are having around the world, hopefully things will go back to ‘normal’ soon, whatever that turns out to be.

Stay safe, look after each other, and above all: Try to enjoy yourselves.

See you online soon.


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Channel upgrade!

As I am closing in on 3000 youtube subscribers over at I’ve decided it’s time to improve things around here.

The first thing is a small visual overhaul. I have got some animations done for the Gross Models logo, and will be adding them into videos and live-streams.

I expect I’ll be using them without the audio, or at least over my usual theme.

I have several more and plan to use a selection of them for different things.

Please let me know what you think, and if you have other ideas for freshening things up around here!