Posted in News

“Rest” day

No models today.

At work during the day, then home, food, and as it’s Monday, eModels!

If you don’t know, Monday is the day that Ted, Foxx and I do the eModels YouTube stream. A couple of hours of us chatting, giving away stickers and a mug, and generally having fun. It’s much like my streams, but with more eModels.

Tonight is my turn to have the “What’s in store” segment where you get to guess what theme all the items I’ve chosen to highlight fit into. I like to go a little more cryptic than the others…..

So, if you’re free at 9pm BST, come watch and join in the live chat!

Posted in Blurb, Builds, News

Happy moon day!

Today is the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.

Such an impressive achievement even today, it’s hard to imagine how it was managed with technology of the time. Your smartphone has many times more computing power than the entire spaceship had.

Why not spend the day watching my build series of the Apollo V rocket? The playlist is here.

If that’s too much for you, I have done a couple of Lego builds that fit the day, both the Saturn V and the special 50th anniversary Lunar Lander kit. They are I. My “Lego” playlist here.