Posted in News

Help needed!

I am planning on relaunching the Thursday “Evening with” streams, but will need some help!
If you’d like to drop in for a chat one week, drop me a message and we can work it out.
It will be the old format of general chat about life, the universe and everything (except politics and religion!) for the usual hour or so.
It’d be great to see some old and new faces, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time.

It’s that, you you just end up with me talking to myself for a while…..

So leave a comment, send me a mail or drop into my DM”s and we will see when we can chat!

Posted in News

Expanding the empire!

I have recently launched a new YouTube channel devoted to my gameplay videos.

If you want to hang out with me while I stream some games, come along and subscribe! You can find me at and I’ll be playing more often going forward!

Let me know if you have any requests for games, or more model content on my main channel!