As I am really enjoying doing the live-streams, I thought I’d pick up a little tool to help me in them. I had it in the background on last nights eModels stream, but nobody noticed….

It’s a Streamdeck. I had a little play with it before the stream, but haven’t really got to grips with it yet.
Apparently it can be programmed to do many of the things required while streaming: posting chat messages, changing camera or lighting, starting and ending streams, changing “scenes “ as well as launching web pages and applications.
At the moment I have it set with my logo as a background, but in use each button can be set to display any small image to make it easy to see what you’re doing.
At the moment it doesn’t directly integrate with the StreamYard software I am using but they are working on it and I am confident it will soon become invaluable.
Interesting! I’d never heard of one of those.
Do be careful… before long you’ll be looking all professional. Can’t have that now can we? 😉
Seriously though – very cool.