Posted in News

Evening with update

I am going to try adjusting the frequency of the Evening with streams, the weekly streams are getting a little tiring for me, I guess you lot must be getting bored too!

I’m going to switch to 2 streams a month, keeping the last Thursday of the month as an “Everyone” show and having the other as a “Gang” stream. This one will probably be the 2nd Thursday of the month.

If demand is high I can always chuck in extra streams, and probably will if something of note comes along, but for now we will see how it goes.

So, no stream this coming Thursday, the next is on the 12th March.

See you there!

Posted in News


I took this picture while setting up for the Warhamster stream, I just thought I’d share. 🙂

I use Streamlabs OBS for the hamster stream, it lets me show the bench cam in 1080p so you can see most of the mistakes I make live!

If you didn’t catch it, I stream Warhammer stuff live every Sunday evening. You can always catch my live-streams on when they are on!